Sunday, April 10, 2011

Week I Don't Know: A Fishes Tale

It's April, so in true procrastinator fashion I'm late! It's good to be back none the less. I'll keep it short and sweet. We went to the aquarium and I took a billion pictures. I'm very proud of this fish picture.

ISO: 3200 Exposure: 1/60 sec Shutter Speed: 4.5 Focal Length: 36mm Flash Used: No

Wednesday, February 9, 2011


I'm taking a small hiatus on my blog until March. I missed last weeks photo due to my husbands back surgery. I'm pretty much a single parent right now because he can't do any bending or lifting. Recovery seems to be incredibly slower than we first expected. So for now photo of the week is postponed. I will however be adding pictures to my Rachel Brennan Photography Facebook page, so you can still check me out there.

See you in March!

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Week 4: Raindrops keep falling on my head...

So, technically it is not week 4 anymore. Oh well, is what it is. Better late than never right?! I took pictures of water coming from the shower head and then I Photoshoped them up. Tre cool, no?
ISO: 400 Exposure: 1/60 sec Aperture: 6.3 Focal Length: 53mm Flash Used: Yes

Friday, January 21, 2011

Week 3: Flower Power

Hello there : ) It's been a pretty rough week for me, but I managed to pull out another photo just in time. I decided to work on my Photoshop editing. I have a lot to learn on editing. I know how to use basic photoshop tools for design and manipulation, but I'm not too versed in hue, contrast, or tone. I played around with taking photos of my wedding bouquet and my husbands boutonniere. I worked on blending the background together, it came out grayish when I was look for white though. I wanted more contrast from the flowers, but I like the soft look. I hope next time I can cut down on the graininess in my photo. Here's to the next one!

ISO: 800 Exposure: 1/50 sec Shutter Speed: 2.5 Focal Length: 50mm Flash Used: No

Friday, January 14, 2011

Week 2: Wonder Wall

So... I said I was fashionably late, but this might be a little ridiculous! I have a little under two hours to spare in week 2. I will keep this up though! I had taken this photo much earlier in the week, but I was hoping for something better to come along. Instead I was watching The Secret Life of an American Teenager on Netflix all week... I know that is a pretty bad excuse. Any who, I was trying to think out side of the box and ended up playing with the sun set again. Only this time it caste a gorgeous red upon my dining room wall. I tried to take the picture without getting in the way, but I could not get my silhouette out of the frame. So I just went on full force! In the end I like the contrast of things, but I just look fat and my head is blurry, ha ha! Here's to next week and a much more interesting photo.

ISO: 200 Shutter Speed: 1/8 sec Aperture: 4.0 Focal Length: 50mm Flash Used: No

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Week 1: Patriotic Profile

I'm a sucker for stark photos and leafless trees; so this photo isn't out of the realm of ordinary for me. Surprisingly the tree is not what drew my attention. I have to thank my daughter for planting herself against the sliding glass doors last night. Otherwise I probably would not have noticed this gorgeous sunset. The colors were so vivid; and you can be certain that my photo does not serve them justice. I even took the time to drag my husband away from his video game to take it all in. I can confidently say he was neither mad nor disappointed. It is nice to be reminded that we live in a country where anything can happen. Even a red, white, and blue sunset.

I am proud to say that I have been working on shooting without flash. It was killing the colors in all my photos. It seems like an elementary step in photography, but for me it is a big one. I have been consciously adjusting my ISO and shutter speed for a few months now on most of my photos. I hope to improve significantly, getting the right color plus clarity!

ISO: 3200 Shutter Speed: 1/25 sec Aperture: 5.6 Focal Length: 40mm Flash Used: No

A New Year's Resolution: 2011

2010 was all about broken promises and failed attempts at having a hobby. I am always talking about how I want to be a photographer and that it is my hobby. Yet I only have a handful of pictures that I am proud to say are mine. So inspired by a brilliant photographer and fellow Mommy, I am making 2011 all about my composition and technique. I have the task of a photo a week for the next 52 weeks. As always I am fashionably late! I hope that you will follow along with me and that we both make the most of 2011!

*Please feel free to also follow along with RyannePhotograpy and her 52 weeks of photos blog. I got the idea from her, she got the idea from others, etc.*